accelerated, accommodated, accomplished, gained, acquired, activated, added, adjusted, adhered to, administered, admitted, adopted, developed, advertised, advised, amended, attained, assessed, and aided; awaited, appointed, ascertained; assessed; attracted; advertised; advised; altered; amended; increased; added; acknowledged; approved; made, accountable; awarded; granted; balanced; bargained with; borrowed from; broadened; budgetary; built; advanced; addressed; adjusted;
Calculated, canvassed, capitalized, captured, carried out, cast, centralized, challenged, chaired changed, checked, clarified, classified, cleared, shut, and co-authored are all examples of how these things can be done. They can also be called, collaborated with, combined, determined, comparative, or compared.
Debugged, determined, decentralized, reduced, defined, delivered, demonstrated, diminished, described, designated, determined, developed, devised, devoted, diagrammed, disclosed, discounted, discovered, disseminated, displayed, distinguished, distributed, doubled up, and drafted are some of the terms used.
earned, eased, edited, effected, elected, eliminated, employed, enabled, encouraged, supported, forced, engaged, engineered, enhanced, increased, expanded, established, estimated, evaluated, examined, exceeded, traded, exempted from, extended, expedited, explained, exposed, extracted, and extrapolated
Fortified, found, founded, fulfilled, functioned, provided, gained, gathered, measured, granted, guided, handled, headed, hired, and hosted are some of the terms used to describe the process.
Identified, illustrated, illuminated, improved, improvised, initiated, increased, indoctrinated, introduced, inspired, informed, incepted, installed, insured, instituted; instigated; initiated; induced; inspired; installed; insured; interacted with; introduced; invented; inventoried; invited; involved; isolated; issued.
Maximized, recorded, managed, marketed, merchandised, followed, reduced, modelled, modified, monitored, moved, and multiplied are just a few of the things that have been done in the past.
named, described, negotiated, noticed, nurtured, observed, obtained, offered, offset, opened, operated, orchestrated, ordered, organized, and oriented; originated, overhauled; supervised; and so on.
Prioritized, probed, prevented, priced, printed, produced, promoted, prompted, proposed, proved, provided, published, purchased, and pursued are some of the things that are paid for, participated in, passed, perceived, performed, permitted, persuaded, phased out, identified, planned, presented, preserved, or prevented.
Related, remedied, renegotiated, replaced, repaired, reported, represented, requested, resolved, returned, reviewed, revealed, revised, renewed, awarded, and routed are all terms used to describe the process.
screened, saved, segmented, selected, sent, separated, served, settled, shortened, showed, shrank, signed, simplified, sold, stressed, and staffed. They also showed that they were steered, suggested, substituted for, supplied, supported, synced with, scheduled, synthesized, or systematized.
Tabulated, tailored, targeted, taught, terminated, tested, testified, tightened, took, tracked, traded, transacted, transferred, transformed, translated, transported, traveled, treated, undertook, integrated, united, updated, upgraded, used, checked, respected, checked, welcomed, gained, won, worked, and wrote